My wool is on his "X". - Fleece Artist, Viola + Biches et Buches : le N°27

Have you ever heard the expression, "This person is on his X."

I personally approved (several times) and with conviction, before looking for the meaning of this expression.

Being on your "X" is being in the right place at the right time. I love it!

However, as I discovered Vine, le nouveau fil tweedé de Fleece Artist's'new tweed yarn, my heart fell in love with the color Blue Heron. This yarn seduced me with its organic texture, its random little sequins and its softness. But (the beginning of true love stories), Vine is spun in a single ply, too fragile for my taste for a sweater. Never mind, let's double it with mohair and silk to strengthen it!

I therefore went to the shelves of the shop, playing the Tinder of the Fiber, looking for the perfect Match. And ... the magnificent Turner in Viola's mohair complemented the blue sky of my Vine with its dawn shades...

A small sample confirmed to me that the duo was made to get along.

But (again!), "Loving is not looking at each other, it's looking together in the same direction" wrote St Exupéry.

So, which direction, which project to knit this beautiful love story?

After going through the first 10 pages of Ravelry - to no avail - the memory came back to me from this sweater by Biches et Buches : le N°27.

Biches et Buches : le N°27 ~ 8.70 $ CAD English & français

"My Sweater," the one I dreamed of wearing on weekends, relaxed and sexy. Unfortunately, after starting knitting with several threads, the result was always disappointing. Not soft enough, tooooo soft, too stiff. In short, it bad stages aride waiting for its time, its wool.

And there it was! My sky-coloured duet found its direction. My wool is on his "X".

Wishing you a lot of love stories...

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