Knit your stress

Evil of the 21st century if there is one, stress does not spare many people. By dint of “metro-work”, we forget “dodo” and we are quickly at the end of our rope! We run everywhere, all the time, and we often end up forgetting, precisely, to take the time. Slowness, often mistakenly associated with laziness, has taken a hit. And become rare, it has increased in value.

Knitting is taking a yarn and needles and creating a bit of what you want, stitch after stitch. But if the finished product can certainly amaze and give us a little pride, it is the process itself that works miracles. Knitting is learning patience, coming to terms with time. It is also a moment for oneself, to concentrate on letting our hands waltz with the needles and caress the fibers, far from the whirlwinds of thoughts that can inhabit us. In short, knitting is giving yourself time to calm your mind.

When I decided to really learn to knit, to go beyond the basics that my grandmother had taught me, I didn't know what good it was going to do me. I especially wanted, one evening a week, to leave aside the pressure and the madness of everyday life. But it became much more than that. Today, knitting is definitely my therapy against stress and the yoyo of emotions.

Before sleeping, when I feel I have to force myself to take a break, with friends over a cup of tea, and even in the metro, I take my needles out of my bag and I forget All. And instead of "metro-work", I have "knitting-work", and suddenly, I found the "dodo".


Mariane, or Ana by her nickname, is a thread (uh, a girl!) of half-silk, half-merino pink lace. Art in her soul and passion at her fingertips, she loves knitting, of course, but also dreams, music, languages, rays of sunshine and little feet in the water. When she comes down from her cloud, it's to write her thesis. Find Mariane on the web: KNIT'NANA , on INSTAGRAM and on RAVELRY .

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