Cooking Recipes, Tales and other sharing...

La recette des cookies du Lundi (Avoine, chocolat, pécan, canneberges)

Monday Cookies Recipe (Oat, Chocolate, Pecan, C...

My great cookie recipe to start the week off right On this Monday, January 20, the thermometer announced -20° despite its proud sun. How to reward the brave ones who...

Monday Cookies Recipe (Oat, Chocolate, Pecan, C...

My great cookie recipe to start the week off right On this Monday, January 20, the thermometer announced -20° despite its proud sun. How to reward the brave ones who...

Conte ~ IL ÉTAIT UNE FOIS ... Une maille à l'endroit

Story ~ ONCE UPON A TIME... A knit stitch

"Raphael, you will become the best Knitter in the world" declared the Fairy. The dad reacts first: “It’s nonsense, a joke, huh? A knitter? What do you want him to...


Story ~ ONCE UPON A TIME... A knit stitch

"Raphael, you will become the best Knitter in the world" declared the Fairy. The dad reacts first: “It’s nonsense, a joke, huh? A knitter? What do you want him to...